Referral Arrangements


Durham Gateway is a unique alternative provision provider that integrates academic and vocational learning with the development of social, life and employability skills. This is a provision for young people aged 14-16 who are not presently flourishing in mainstream secondary education, but who will thrive in a setting that offers practical, skills-based learning. This includes young people who may be vulnerable or at risk of exclusion from their current school.

The aim of Durham Gateway is to re-engage its students into education and progression to apprenticeships, employment, training or further education. Admission will be through the referral process outlined in this policy. Referrals may be made at any time throughout the year.

Number of places available

Durham Gateway will provide education for a maximum of 60 full time equivalent students aged 14-16. This is the target number for 2020/21, and all placements are full time. It is envisaged that by 2022/23 the provision could take up to 120 learners.

Registration arrangements

Where students are on the roll of another school, the student will be dual registered at his/her current school and Durham Gateway. For Year 11 learners, they can be enrolled on single registration with Durham Gateway subject to feeder school agreement.